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February 2019

A Monument to Dignity and Respect

A Monument to Dignity and Respect
“With DIGNITY, united we stand!”

A shared vision must move people forward and be easily understood. It must be positive, inspiring, motivating, and include our collective values. We must first be inspired to live this shared vision. Now, is always the Right Time for Right Action. To control our future, we are called to embrace and to live a shared vision. The Ole Asheboro Redevelopment Plan must always include our voice and our shared vision.

“Undoing Racisms is a Life Long Endeavor.” * Nettie Coad

“Education is there, and you just have to go get it, regardless of your age.” * Dorothy Brown

What do you understand your life story to be? What contribution to life, via you, would you like to see? If you can feel it in your bones, it is for certain you do not stand or walk alone. For, the ancestors inside and beside you… that guide you… will set your dream free! * Vandorn Hinnant

A Monument to Dignity and Respect
With RESPECT, together we rise!”

A shared vision must move people forward and be easily understood. It must be positive, inspiring, motivating, and include our collective values. We must first be inspired to live this shared vision. Now, is always the Right Time for Right Action. To control our future, we are called to embrace and to live a shared vision. The Ole Asheboro Redevelopment Plan must always include our voice and our shared vision.

“I’ve always felt that the place where I live is the place I should improve.” * Dorothy Brown

“The work does not stay with me… it is shared.” * Nettie Coad

“It is fitting, that in the city of Greensboro NC, in the community I was raised, that this MONUMENT TO DIGNITY AND RESPECT be established paying homage to the long list of human rights activists that have lived in or visited this city. Across a great span of years, each of our voices fit together as in a tapestry exclaiming ‘UNITED WE STAND. TOGETHER WE RISE’. The many voices become the one voice chanting Victory, victory to Dignity and Respect!” * Vandorn Hinnant